Who We Are
We are a social enterprise operating in the food and agricultural industry, dedicated to improving the lives of local communities in Kenya. We offer organic, ethically produced baked products, honey, vegetables and clean water straight from our homegrown farms in Mutomo, Kitui County in Kenya. All profits go towards supporting and creating sustainable livelihoods for the community.
At SMPI Enterprises, our mission is to leverage the power of business to drive positive social and environmental impact. Through our profitable and sustainable commercial ventures, we aim to offer affordable solutions to food and clean water scarcity to create meaningful change in our communities and beyond, with a focus on empowering disadvantaged individuals and promoting sustainable development. We are committed to ethical and transparent business practices, and to using our resources and expertise to support causes that align with our values and vision.
Our Sustainable Mission
To create sustainable change and transform lives, one venture at a time, through profitable and purpose-driven social entrepreneurship.